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Details of an meridian
Gallbladder Meridian
(zú shǎo yáng 足少阳)

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Points of Gallbladder Meridian (GB) :
1GB : tóng zǐ liáo 瞳子髎 - Pupil Crevice
2GB : tīng huì 听会 - Meeting of Hearing
3GB : shàng guān 上关 - Above the Joint
4GB : hàn yàn 颔厌 - Jaw Serenity
5GB : xuán lú 悬颅 - Suspended Skull
6GB : xuán lí 悬厘 - Suspended Hair
7GB : qū bìn 曲鬓 - Crook of the Temple
8GB : shuài gǔ 率谷 - Leading Valley
9GB : tiān chōng 天冲 - Heavenly Rushing
10GB : fú bái 浮白 - Floating White
11GB : tóu qiào yīn 头窍阴 - Yin Portals of the Head
12GB : wán gǔ 完骨 - Mastoid Process
13GB : běn shén 本神 - Root of the Spirit
14GB : yáng bái 阳白 - Yang White
15GB : tóu lín qì 头临泣 - Head Governor of Tears
16GB : mù chuāng 目窗 - Window of the Eye
17GB : zhèng yíng 正营 - Upright Nutrition
18GB : chéng líng 承灵 - Support Spirit
19GB : nǎo kōng 脑空 - Brain Hollow
20GB : fēng chí 风池 - Wind Pool
21GB : jiān jǐng 肩井 - Shoulder Well
22GB : yuān yè 渊腋 - Armpit Abyss
23GB : zhé jīn 辄筋 - Flank Sinews
24GB : rì yuè 日月 - Sun and Moon
25GB : jīng mén 京门 - Capital Gate
26GB : dài mài 带脉 - Girdling Vessel
27GB : wǔ shū 五枢 - Five Pivots
28GB : wéi dào 维道 - Linking Path
29GB : jū liáo 居髎 - Stationary Crevice
30GB : huán tiào 环跳 - Jumping Circle
31GB : fēng shì 风市 - Wind Market
32GB : zhōng dú 中渎 - Middle Ditch
33GB : xī yáng guān 膝阳关 - Knee Yang Gate
34GB : yáng líng quán 阳陵泉 - Yang Mound Spring
35GB : yáng jiāo 阳交 - Yang Intersection
36GB : wài qiū 外丘 - Outer Hill
37GB : guāng míng 光明 - Bright Light
38GB : yáng fǔ 阳辅 - Yang Assistance
39GB : xuán zhōng 悬钟 - Suspended Bell
40GB : qiū xū 丘墟 - Mound of Ruins
41GB : zú lín qì 足临泣 - Foot Governor of Tears
42GB : dì wǔ huì 地五会 - Earth Five Meetings
43GB : xiá xī 侠溪 - Clamped Stream
44GB : zú qiào yīn 足窍阴 - Yin Portals of the Foot