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Details of an meridian
Stomach Meridian
(zú yáng míng 足阳明)

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Points of Stomach Meridian (ST) :
1ST : chéng qì 承泣 - Container of Tears
2ST : sì bái 四白 - Four Whites
3ST : jù liáo 巨髎 - Great Crevice
4ST : dì cāng 地仓 - Earth Granary
5ST : dà yíng 大迎 - Great Welcome
6ST : jiá chē 颊车 - Jaw Bone
7ST : xià guān 下关 - Below the Joint
8ST : tóu wéi 头维 - Head's Binding
9ST : rén yíng 人迎 - Man's Welcome
10ST : shuǐ tū 水突 - Water Prominence
11ST : qì shě 气舍 - Abode of Qi
12ST : quē pén 缺盆 - Empty Basin
13ST : qì hù 气户 - Qi Door
14ST : kù fáng 库房 - Storehouse
15ST : wū yì 屋翳 - Room Screen
16ST : yīng chuāng 膺窗 - Breast Window
17ST : rǔ zhōng 乳中 - Middle of the Breast
18ST : rǔ gēn 乳根 - Root of the Breast
19ST : bù róng 不容 - Not Contained
20ST : chéng mǎn 承满 - Supporting Fullness
21ST : liáng mén 梁门 - Beam Gate
22ST : guān mén 关门 - Pass Gate
23ST : tài yǐ 太乙 - Supreme Unity
24ST : huá ròu mén 滑肉门 - Slippery Flesh Gate
25ST : tiān shū 天枢 - Heaven's Pivot
26ST : wài líng 外陵 - Outer Mound
27ST : dà jù 大巨 - The Great
28ST : shuǐ dào 水道 - Water Passage
29ST : guī lái 归来 - Return
30ST : qì chōng 气冲 - Rushing Qi
31ST : bì guān 髀关 - Thigh Gate
32ST : fú tù 伏兔 - Crouching Rabbit
33ST : yīn shì 阴市 - Yin Market
34ST : liáng qiū 梁丘 - Ridge Mound
35ST : dú bí 犊鼻 - Calf's Nose
36ST : zú sān lǐ 足三里 - Leg Three Miles
37ST : shàng jù xū 上巨虚 - Upper Great Void
38ST : tiáo kǒu 条口 - Lines Opening
39ST : xià jù xū 下巨虚 - Lower Great Void
40ST : fēng lóng 丰隆 - Abundant Bulge
41ST : jiě xī 解溪 - Stream Divide
42ST : chōng yáng 冲阳 - Rushing Yang
43ST : xiàn gǔ 陷谷 - Sunken Valley
44ST : nèi tíng 内庭 - Inner Courtyard
45ST : lì duì 厉兑 - Strict Exchange

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