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Details of an meridian
Bladder Meridian
(zú tài yáng 足太阳)

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Points of Bladder Meridian (BL) :
1BL : jīng míng 睛明 - Bright Eyes
2BL : cuán zhú 攒竹 - Gathered Bamboo
3BL : méi chōng 眉冲 - Eyebrows'Pouring
4BL : qū chā 曲差 - Crooked Curve
5BL : wǔ chù 五处 - Fifth Place
6BL : chéng guāng 承光 - Receiving Light
7BL : tōng tiān 通天 - Heavenly Connection
8BL : luò què 络却 - Declining Connection
9BL : yù zhěn 玉枕 - Jade Pillow
10BL : tiān zhù 天柱 - Celestial Pillar
11BL : dà zhù 大杼 - Great Shuttle
12BL : fēng mén 风门 - Wind Gate
13BL : fèi shū 肺俞 - Lung Transporter
14BL : jué yīn shū 厥阴俞 - Jueyin Transporter
15BL : xīn shū 心俞 - Heart Transporter
16BL : dū shū 督俞 - Governor Transporter
17BL : gé shū 膈俞 - Diaphragm Transporter
18BL : gān shū 肝俞 - Liver Transporter
19BL : dǎn shū 胆俞 - Gallbladder Transporter
20BL : pí shū 脾俞 - Spleen Transporter
21BL : wèi shū 胃俞 - Stomach Transporter
22BL : sān jiāo shū 三焦俞 - Sanjiao Transporter
23BL : shèn shū 肾俞 - Kidney Transporter
24BL : qì hǎi shū 气海俞 - Sea of Qi Transporter
25BL : dà cháng shū 大肠俞 - Large Intestine Transporter
26BL : guān yuán shū 关元俞 - Gate of Origin Transporter
27BL : xiǎo cháng shū 小肠俞 - Small Intestine Transporter
28BL : páng guāng shū 膀胱俞 - Bladder Transporter
29BL : zhōng lǚ shū 中膂俞 - Mid-Spine Transporter
30BL : bái huán shū 白环俞 - White Ring Transporter
31BL : shàng liáo 上髎 - Upper Crevice
32BL : cì liáo 次髎 - Second Crevice
33BL : zhōng liáo 中髎 - Middle Crevice
34BL : xià liáo 下髎 - Lower crevice
35BL : huì yáng 会阳 - Meeting of Yang
36BL : chéng fú 承扶 - Hold and Support
37BL : yīn mén 殷门 - Gate of Abundance
38BL : fú xi 浮郄 - Floating Cleft
39BL : wěi yáng 委阳 - Outside of the Crook
40BL : wěi zhōng 委中 - Middle of the Crook
41BL : fù fēn 附分 - Attached Branch
42BL : pò hù 魄户 - Door of the Corporeal Soul
43BL : gāo huāng 膏肓 - Vital Region Shu
44BL : shén táng 神堂 - Hall of the Spirit
45BL : yì xī 譩譆 - Yi xi
46BL : gé guān 膈关 - Diaphragm Gate
47BL : hún mén 魂门 - Gate of the Ethereal Soul
48BL : yáng gāng 阳纲 - Yang's Key Link
49BL : yì shè 意舍 - Abode of Consciousness of Potentials
50BL : wèi cāng 胃仓 - Stomach Granary
51BL : huāng mén 肓门 - Vitals Gate
52BL : zhì shì 志室 - Residence of the Will
53BL : bāo huāng 胞肓 - Bladder's Vitals
54BL : zhì biān 秩边 - Order's Limit
55BL : hé yáng 合阳 - Confluence of Yang
56BL : chéng jīn 承筋 - Support the Sinews
57BL : chéng shān 承山 - Support the Mountain
58BL : fēi yáng 飞扬 - Soaring Upwards
59BL : fū yáng 跗阳 - Instep Yang
60BL : kūn lún 昆仑 - Kunlun Mountains
61BL : pú cān 仆参 - Servant's Respect
62BL : shēn mài 申脉 - Extending Vessel
63BL : jīn mén 金门 - Golden Gate
64BL : jīng gǔ 京骨 - Capital Bone
65BL : shù gǔ 束骨 - Restraining Bone
66BL : zú tōng gǔ 足通谷 - Foot Connecting Valley
67BL : zhì yīn 至阴 - Reaching Yin